There are many forms of jaw cysts. The more common types can arise from buried wisdom teeth. These can expand ‘silently’ within the jaw and most patients do not notice the cysts until it is rather large and expands the jaw shape. In some cases, patients may notice the teeth loosening. A routine OPG radiograph is carried out to check and confirm the presence of a cyst. The extend and 3D image is captured by CT scan for surgical planning purposes. The timing and type of surgery to remove the cyst will depend on the size and involvement of surrounding structures. In most cases, the jaw will return to the normal after the removal of the cyst. If a wisdom tooth or a buried tooth is the cause of the cyst, this tooth will also be removed at the same time. In some types of cysts, the surrounding teeth may also need to be removed. After the jaw has healed well and the cyst is deemed unlikely to return, patients can choose to replace the teeth with dental implants.
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